All new moves submitted for a score in the Intermediate and Advanced divisions need to be received no later than May 1st, 2024. No moves submitted after that time will be included in the 2024 competitions. All competitors must be registered for the event and a current WJF member.
(For WJF 20, we are only holding short program routines)
Advanced Short Program Routine Forms
Short Programs consist of a separate Ball, Ring and Club Routine
4 Minutes Per Category
Balls starts at 5, Rings starts at 5, Clubs starts at 5
20 Move Limit Per Routine (Balls, Rings, Clubs)
The Advanced Overall Championship is open to all ages and genders.
After registering for the convention and competition, you may submit moves that are not within the move database for a score evaluation and inclusion within the database if submitted before the move submission deadline for each year.
You must compete in all three prop divisions to be eligible and have a higher accumulative score to win the Overall Championship. A competitor who only competes in ball events may have a higher accumulative score than someone who competes with balls, rings and clubs but would not be eligible to win the Overall Championship because they only demonstrated ball skills. However someone who competes with balls, rings and clubs must still beat their score to win the Overall Championship. You also have to have a higher score than any other competitor's accumulative score regardless of which prop categories they compete in. For the olympic team event, a minimum of three and maximum of five team members may choose collectively to compete in a total of three events per prop category but each team member may only compete in each event a maximum of one time and a minimum of zero times. For example, each team may have a total of 3 entries for the ball short program, 3 entries for the ring short program, and 3 entries for the club short program. The same applies to all other events.
Scoring for Endurance, Flash, and Freestyle Events
3rd: 1 Point
3rd: 1 Point
3rd: 0.5 Points
Starting at 10 points for all competitors. Deductions will be taken as follows:
0.5 for single object drops where the pattern remained otherwise perfect
1 point deduction for standard drops (due to bad patterns, collisions, etc)
1.25 - Severe dropping event - dropping the majority of objects being juggled
1 point deduction for skipping moves
2 points for falling down
0.2 points for aborts including connection aborts
0.2 points for collisions
0.05 points for clubs caught on the wrong end or wrong number of rotations (E.G. triples instead of doubles)
0.05 points for large foot movement
Zero points for getting fewer catches than you wrote in your routine form (19 backcrosses instead of 20)
Incomplete 180s/360s/720s/1080s: .01 - .03 (depending on how much of the turn is incomplete)
Persistent Bad Form
10% off difficulty total score for bad form (uneven shoulders, incorrect arm positions, off center pattern distribution): 10% of total score if prevalent throughout all moves. 10% off each individual move per event if not embedded within all moves
Balls/beanbags must be a solid white (no color combinations). Rings may be white, yellow, orange, or green. Clubs may be decorated and contain color. All props in any division must be consistent (rings and clubs must all be the same color) This is mainly a visibility and aesthetic issue both for judges and the cameras.
WJF Advanced Routine Forms
(You can import and edit in google sheets)
1. Choose a move from the move database
2. Enter the corresponding number in the routine form's "move number" field.
3. Enter planned number of catches, minimum or maximum allowed if applicable.
4. Select if your move is connected to the previous move or not (option available starting with the second move of the routine)
5. Select if you're starting or continuing a connection chain
6. Continue for the allowed number of moves as indicated at the top of this page
The following information is good advice to consider when putting together your competition routine.
The best way to get a high scoring routine is to connect as many dissimilar moves together as possible which will increase your overall difficulty rating. NEW as of 2021: Each individual move can only be done once. Connections contain ZERO basic or non connecting move throws in between moves and should connect two dissimilar moves. This is the rule for all connections. Moves that are connected to similar moves will not get a high difficulty rating or at all. Connections that are made from completely different patterns are generally valued higher. For example, connecting a shower pattern to a high low shower pattern would not score as a connection but a shower connected to a blind catch would. A 5 ball (6x,4) 5 up 360 that resumes (6x,4) is not a connection, but a (6x,4) 5 up 360 that goes directly into (6,4x) is a connection. The greater the difficulty and contrast in connected moves, the higher the difficulty rating. You can view the connection multipliers values in the connections sheet of the routine form to determine the highest scoring connections when putting together your routine.
Qualifying Moves
Most moves required qualification of the pattern either during or after the move. For example, a 360 must reenter a non multiplexed pattern for a qualifying run. A 5 up 360 requires 10 throws to be made after the 360 is completed, and those throws must all be caught. A site swap generally must qualify the pattern or establish a greater number of throws within the run of the site swap. Some easier site swaps must be repeated multiple times from each side to be qualified, and more difficult site swaps only need to be done once from one side.
2021 Revised Clarification of Moves
All moves include an entry, hold, and exit. The entry is either a static start, or connected from a previous move. The hold is the duration of the move, and the exit is either a clean collect or a clean transition to another continuous pattern. Some moves allow competitors to choose between a lower or higher number of catches. Whichever number of catches the competitor chooses in their routine form must be the number they perform in their routine and they must exit or continue to their next planned move clean. For example, if a competitor chooses 5 club backcrosses for 20 catches (instead of the minimum 10), that move is only valid if the competitor either completes 20 catches of 5 club backcrosses to a clean collect, or connects to another move for a minimum of 10 additional catches of the new move. The 5 club backcrosses will score zero points in the following situations:
1. Fewer than 20 catches of backcrosses are made (yes, even 19)
2. A drop occurs within 10 catches of the following connected move
3. More than 20 catches of backcrosses are made but a drop occurs on the collect
4. More than 20 catches of backcrosses are made but a drop occurs within 10 catches of the following connected move
5. One or more throws are not in triples
When SiteSwaps turn odd numbers into sync moves
When a siteswap notation turns an odd numbered pattern into synchronized throws, such as in the case of (6x,4), to qualify the pattern requires each set of two throws to be performed twice (Similar to a sync 4 object pattern for the same reasons). In the case of (6x,4) this would result in a total of 8 throws and 8 catches. However since this is a relatively easy move, and 8 catches is fewer than 10 which is usually the default to qualify a 5 ball pattern (twice the number of catches as objects juggled), a double qualify is the next logical qualification number to earn points for (6x,4). This ensures each side is performed equal number of times and for a duration that demonstrates a long enough hold time to earn points for this move.
MUSIC CHOREOGRAPHY (New as of 2024 - Optional in the Advanced Overall Championship)
High Scoring Choreography Elements
Choreography timed with difficult transitions (Transitions between two dissimilar moves, transitions to and from a 360, 720, 1080). For example, a 5 ball 744 connected to 6x,4 would not be a difficult transition. A transition from 5 ball overheads into backcrosses would be considered a difficult transition. A 5 up 360 connected to backcrosses (or connected to 6x,4) would also be considered difficult transitions.
Medium Scoring Choreography Elements
Choreography timed with 360s, 720s, 1080s, 540s and 180s
Lower Scoring Choreography Elements (But still worth doing)
Starting and stopping a juggling pattern choreographed to the music, connections between continuous juggling patterns such as from one siteswap to another. The change, even though easy, should still be noticeably choreographed to the music.
10 total choreography elements are allowed per routine. That will max out your choreography score if all 10 elements are high scoring elements.
A maximum of 2 points is available per routine for choreography.
To ensure credit for choreography elements, you must indicate where these elements will occur in your routines when submitting your routine forms. We will confirm, deny, or adjust choreography element difficulty ratings after review.
High Scoring Elements
0.2 Points Per Element
Medium Scoring Elements
0.1 Points Per Element
Low Scoring Elements
If you do all high scoring elements, you’ll receive 2 additional points. If you do all medium scoring elements, you’ll receive 1 additional point. If you do all low scoring elements, you’ll receive 0.5 additional points.
If you do the minimum requirement of 3 low, 3 medium and 3 high (with the 10th being a low scoring element for a total of 4 low scoring elements) your music choreography bonus will be as follows:
High 0.6
Medium: 0.3
Low: 0.2
Total: 1.1 Points
ENDURANCE - Part of the Overall Championship
All competitors must wear the proper attire
There are three different competitions in the Endurance Event. Balls, rings and clubs. The ball event starts at 9 balls/beanbags and ring event starts at eight rings. Seven clubs is the starting level for the club competition. Each competitor will be given 2 minutes to get their best run in each event. The competitor with the most amount of catches with the highest number of objects in each category is the winner for that category provided they qualify the pattern. To be awarded 2nd or 3rd place, the competitors must at least qualify the pattern. The definition of qualifying the pattern (juggling) in all WJF Endurance Competitions, unless otherwise noted, consists of a minimum of twice the number of catches as objects being juggled.
New as of 2021, we are holding a separate FLASH division. This division awards points toward the Overall Championship score for flashing more objects than any other competitor. In the event of a tie, all competitors who flash a specific number will be awarded the same amount of points. The Flash division starts at 10 balls, 10 rings, and 8 clubs.
FREESTYLE - Part of the Overall Championship
All competitors must wear the proper attire
The WJF Freestyle event gives the competitors a chance to try moves that may take more than one, two, or three tries to accomplish. Categories include:
5 Balls, 6 Balls, 7 Balls
5 Rings, 6 Rings, 7 Rings
5 Clubs, 6 Clubs, 7 Clubs
Each competitor will be allotted 90 seconds per category alone on the stage. There are no penalties or deductions in this event. You only get credit for the moves the judges feel you executed successfully. The winner of each category will be determined by which move the judges feel was the most difficult and original. Moves are judged on the average of 75% difficulty, 25% originality. Competitors may try as many different moves as possible however only their highest scoring move will count. This is not an accumulative score. The competitor who executed the highest scoring move in each event, wins that event. There will be prelims for the freestyle competitions which will be held on the first two days of the convention.