⭐️⭐️⭐️THE WJF HALL OF FAME⭐️⭐️⭐️
Starting in 2024, the WJF will induct three jugglers into the WJF Hall of Fame. These three awards will be presented at WJF 20 in Paris. The 2024 WJF Hall of Fame inductees are:
The WJF inducts Delaney Bayles for being the first female WJF Advanced Overall Champion and inspiring future generations of jugglers with her astoundingly high level of technical ability along with her innovation, creativity, and competitive spirit

The WJF Inducts Jack Denger for being first 7 Club Incentive Program Recipient in 2011 at WJF 7, demonstrating a run of over 50 catches of 7 clubs at age 14

The WJF Inducts Vladimir Galchenko for being the first WJF competitor to shatter all WJF 7 club records and pave the path for younger generations to take club juggling to new heights