These training tools will help you begin your journey to the Olympic level
World Juggling Federation
Skill Level Achievement Program V1.0 2021 Edition
The Path From Beginner to Olympian
WJF Members are eligible to become certified for the skill level achievements on this page.
Successful completion of each skill level certification grants:
1. Upload of an upgraded version of the submission video to the WJF Youtube channel with a “Stamped” seal of approval watermarked on the video
2. Voice over of the achievement
3. A high resolution download of the certificate
4. Juggler’s name added to the skill level on the WJF website
Certification is not only based on the successful execution of the required runs, moves, and connections, but also on skill that demonstrates control over the body and precision in the throws. Too much foot movement, arm reaching, collisions, uneven patterns, imprecise throwing and catching positions, bouncing, uneven weight distribution, and incomplete turns all may disqualify a run, move, or connection from being accepted.
Level certification is an all or nothing certification. You must satisfy all requirements in each skill level to be certified at that level.
Aside from basic pattern demonstrations such as a run of a specific number of objects for a specific amount of catches, all moves must start from and re-enter a qualifying juggling pattern unless otherwise specified. A qualifying run is twice the number of catches as there are objects being used. For three balls, six catches must be made to qualify the pattern. For example, 441 with 3 balls starts and ends with a qualifying run of the basic pattern.
The use of the phrase “crossing pattern” or “non crossing pattern” refers to the direction in which each throw is to be made. E.G. Stipulating that a 3 club 3 up 360 be performed in a crossing pattern means the same pattern as the basic pattern, as opposed to changing the pattern to throw 3 up with 2 staying on one side, and one staying on the other “non crossing” (as you would juggle in the basic pattern for even numbers which by default do not cross). “Non-crossing” is used synonymously with “fountain pattern”. The basic pattern for even numbers is a fountain pattern.
In synchronous siteswaps: a pair of two throws will correspond to two catches. So to get 10 catches in a sync pattern, one has to do 5 rounds of 2 throws
In any 360 siteswap: Two “twos” (22) imply a 360 with objects in hand, two zeros (00) imply a 360 without objects in hand. In rare cases there can be an odd number of twos or zeros.
In a shower pattern there is a throwing hand and a passing hand. Only the objects thrown from the throwing hand count towards the amount of catches, the objects thrown from the passing hand do not count towards the amount of catches. So, for 10 catches of a 5 ball shower, one has to do 10 rounds of the siteswap 91"
Overhead Throws: Overhead throws with balls must be performed with the elbows out to the side. For rings and clubs the elbows point forward.
Half Showers and Full Reverse Cascades for rings and clubs: The ring or club going over the top or behind the basic pattern throw must be thrown parallel to the front of the juggler’s body. The half shower starts by orienting the ring or club in this position and then starts the run from that throw.. For a full reverse, both hands throw each ring or club parallel to the front. Connections to a half shower must connect directly to that first throw that’s thrown parallel to the front.
Unless otherwise specified, moves do not have to be connected together or done in any particular order. After qualifying each run, move, or specified connection, juggling may pause by way of collecting all objects in the hands. Juggling should then resume within 5 seconds. At certain skill levels, up to 2 minutes of accumulative rest time is allowed per prop number. Look for notes on rest period within prop categories starting at WJF 3A.
Editing rules are contextual per skill level. Some levels allow for editing. Check individual skill levels and prop categories for editing options.
Those who fail attempts at certification will be provided with reasons for their scoring and guidance on how to improve for their next attempt.
Coaching sessions are available via zoom for 25 and 50 minute sessions.